Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Changes and good things to come.

I know it's been awhile since I posted here. My son has been potty trained since he turned 2 years old, 6 months ago. He still wears cloth diapers at bed time but only his "boring" over night diapers (mostly Bamboozles fitteds and a couple other very absorbent fitteds). He wears fleece or wool pants over his diapers and he generally sleeps all night. He's two and a half and very much a "big boy", as he says. Diapers haven't been on my mind lately, at all.

BUT... I'm pregnant! Almost 20 weeks, due in early June. I'm very excited to haul out the vacuum-sealed bag of newborn cloth diapers to wash and prep them, and of course get them on another tiny baby bottom. This blog will be up and full of action again soon, I promise. My world will soon revolve around cloth diapers again!

I have a giveaway in the works as well as a few different reviews I've been meaning to do. I also have been working on a few new pages for the blog, general information and updates to some of the pages. Let me know if there's anything you want to see here.